

07 Mar 2021

Proper Residential Networks With Wi-Fi

Smart Homes CAN NOT properly function WITHOUT a well-running network. The network is the backbone of today’s modern system. SIMPLY PUT – TODAY’S MODERN ENVIRONMENTS RELY ON DATA. Over the past several years, Internet Service Providers (ISPs) like Comcast, AT&T, and others, have been increasing internet speeds. Until fairly recently, 50 Mbps internet speeds were considered the upper tier of service. Today 150 – 200 Mbps is commonplace. Some ISPs, like Comcast, are offering “Gigabit” service, which is 1000 Mbps. […]

07 Mar 2021

Ripping CDs For Optimal Sound

YouTube Video: Ripping CDs For Optimal Sound – Control4 Systems Do It Well…

24 Jan 2021

Sight And Sounds Video Portfolio

Very proudly introducing the YouTube Video Portfolio of several notable installs performed over the years…

22 Jun 2020

Villa Mille Rose Landscape – Big Sound

This is for my customers who ask about landscape audio. The system at Villa Mille Rose in Oakville, CA has over twenty landscape speakers, all driven by a Crown 1000 watt amplifier. The customer is an opera fan and wanted the music LOUD. The sound in this video is not over-dubbed, it’s the landscape system playing a streaming FLAC track from the Control4 system. This is the real audio from the landscape sound system itself. The sound is so strong, […]

16 Apr 2020

Jupiter Coyote Resurrection

Sifting through various video projects, Jupiter Coyote’s 2004 “Jammin At The Jammer” DVD boiled up from the cauldron of media files.  Back story goes like this… A friend of mine introduced me to Jupiter Coyote music while working on a wiring project. Soon, I had a couple of their CDs in my car CD changer, listening to them regularly. They had a big, southern progressive rock sound that was clean, with great lyrics. The following summer, Jupiter Coyote came out […]

16 Apr 2020

Oz Project

My thanks to the Gullixson Realty Group for posting this YouTube Video. This Smart Home project was both difficult and rewarding. Lasting about two years, it was a major undertaking. Since the build was mostly concrete, wires and cables had to be run inside conduits which were embedded into the concrete forms. No room for error, as all conduits had only a limited space, and all conduits were completely full. In this job, we had…   Dedicated Home Theater with […]

16 Apr 2020

Remembering CC Sabathia’s Project

As I was going over content for the blog, the new website has options for YouTube posts. This here is the MTV video feature of the CC Sabathia home, after completing an extensive install, including full-blown home theater, lighting, pool/spa, shades, security, and overall bling. The episode is paired with another celebrity, so forward the video to 14:00 (14 minutes to those who are technically challenged).   Feel free to post your comments